
a cat will snore while sleeping near you when it is very comfortable with you.

who has God created me to be?

hmm... that's really tough to answer right now.

i am a 24 year old man who was born and grew up in clearwater, fl. i am tall and heavy. i have brown hair and blue eyes. i have tattoos. i love animals. i know i am finding words and friends that put meaning to my feelings. i know it is my purpose to help my wife achieve her purpose. it's my dream to help her live her dream. i am good at selling myself, and whatever i am being paid to sell. that's a lot of who i am.

am i who He wants me to be?

"God like do plenny fo you guys, cuz dass how he stay. He like hemo you guys from da bad kine stuff you guys stay in, if you guys trus God strait out. No mo notting you guys can do by yoaself. God make lidis fo you guys. Dass jalike one spesho present God get fo you guys. Da tings you do by yoaself, eh, no talk big, cuz no worth notting. God da One wen make us guys how we stay now. He wen make us stay tight wit Jesus Christ, so now us guys can do good kine stuff. Even befo he wen make us, he wen make ready all da plans fo us guys fo do all dose good tings." (Fo da Efesus Peopo 2:8-10)

yes and no?

i feel i am where He wants me to be right now. of course hindsight is always 20/20 and i could be closer if i did things different.

how can you say 'i AM who God wants me to be.'? it seems to me it will always be a work in progress. that's why it's 'to become'. it's a strive. it's a goal with no end in sight.

God has this open invitation for us because through our stroll towards His goal for us, He's trying to get us to know Him more. this isn't news to most of you...

we need a venue. that's the thing we're missing. we're missing where we live. your surroundings. where He has put you. (trust me, when you find like minded people who are a couple steps ahead of you, you see what you were thinking.)

be open. be available. be strolling.

1 comment:

  1. “be open. be available. be strolling.”

    Really good thoughts. I think I ask myself that question a lot. Not necessarily in those words but pretty close. I think maybe we give ourselves to much credit. What I mean by that is I am always scared that I am going to make some wrong decision and therefore force my self out of God’s will. But I just don’t think it is that easy. I’m starting to discover how big my God truly is. You know we grew up hearing about how are awesome are God is (this is where Rich Mullins breaks in with Awesome God) but I seldom actually believed it. I got really comfortable with the Jesus who just sort of came to earth and helped a few people out and died. This was a very small Jesus that I decided to believe in. The problem with believing in a small jesus is that we end up giving ourselves a lot more control than we actually have and with that false control comes a lot of problems. All it did for me was lead to fear and a lot of tears. I am learning to let God be God in my life. Our generation loves to talk to focus on the incarnation of Jesus but we loose a lot when we ignore the divinity of Christ. Sure it’s important to reflect on the humanity of Christ, its foundation to our faith, but we need to remember that He is currently sitting at the right hand of the Father on a throne. So when I ask myself, “am I who God wants me to be or am I where God wants me to be?” I may not have a clear answer but what I do know, and its actually beginning to sink in, is that my God is in control and that he is sovereign and supreme over all things, including my life and yours and Amanda’s. I like that you called it a stroll! Its not quite as scary when I think about my life right now and forever as a walk towards my father and also it is huge to remember that I am not doing it alone. Much love to you and your new family. Thank you so much for the encouraging blog.

    Lamentations 3:25
    The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

    Grace and Peace,
    Jesse P.
